MindLogger use case: Open Humans integration

MATTER Lab spec docs

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Revision history

Name Date Reason For Changes Version
Bastian Greshake Tzovaras
Jon Clucas
Arno Klein
Ariel Lindner
Lionel Deveaux
Anirudh Krishnakumar
2019-10-09‒10 :newspaper: created :construction: v1.0 draft


Open questions

Opt-in granularity

When users opt to share MindLogger data with Open Humans, at what level of granularity is that permission set?

  • Opt in per applet?
  • Opt in once per user?
    • Opt out per applet?

Data formatting

For each MindLogger response type, how does Open Humans API expect that data from MindLogger’s API?

Project plan


What is the problem or value proposition addressed by the project? Why is it being sponsored?

Open Humans is a platform that allows you to upload, connect, and privately store your personal data – such as genetic, activity, or social media data. Once you’ve added data, you can choose to donate it: you might choose to share some publicly , and you can join and contribute to diverse research projects. Thus, we turn the traditional research pipeline on its head: you are at the center and in control of when you share your data.

about sketch

About - Open Humans. Quoted 2019-10-10.

MindLogger is intended to facilitate personal data collection. Open Humans integration would enable us to facilitate sharing at little cost to us.


What is the work that will be performed on the project? What are the major products/deliverables? Direct integration from MindLogger’s to Open Humans’ respective APIs.


Who will be involved and what will be their responsibilities within the project? How will they be organized?


What is the project timeline and when will particularly meaningful points, referred to as milestones, be complete?

January 17, 2020

Risk management

Competitor analysis